
Snakes and planes and shots, oh my!

Sometimes, you are overcome by sweat-inducing and debilitating terror.

While you “know” you may be overreacting and irrational, that knowledge only fuels your fear. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to get over it, you simply can’t.

Fear can take control and prevent you from going places and doing things you want to do.

Phobias can be debilitating.

You know a spider won’t necessarily kill you, but you think it could – and your mind thinks it will! There are poisonous spiders, planes do crash, people can be mean, and dogs do bite.

Your mind sends the fear getting you to protect yourself. But if protecting yourself means you aren’t doing the things you enjoy, going places you need to, or you are avoiding social situations, you are protecting yourself out of living your life.

I can help.

I’ve got an “off” switch.

We want you cautious around snakes, dogs, and bees, but not terrified. Fear is there to protect you, not to immobilize you.

RRT gets your mind and emotional response in harmony, so you are no longer debilitated by your normal survival instincts.

You can get your life back from the phobia!